Well, I'll start today's entry by clearing T's name, sort of. We handled our little tension from yesterday in the way we always do: by ignoring it until it went away. Apparently we've both (tacitly) agreed it has gone away now, so it's done. Much nicer to be back on keel.
Today's happy moment? Well, it's only 7:30, so technically I'm cheating by posting so early. Who knows, Publisher's Clearinghouse could ring the doorbell any minute to tell us we won a million dollars, and then that would be my happy moment. Barring that, I think it's pretty safe to make the call now though.
Well, I'd have to say one of the best parts of the day was my CBS Bible study, the teaching portion where I came to a new enlightenment over Galatians 6. I did love that, but I don't want to call it my happy moment because I already blogged about it in Small Dog, Tall Weeds. (Check it out!) Besides, does that really count as happy? Really, it was more deeply meaningful.
I had my first Klondike bar tonight with R and L. (What would you do for a Klondike bar? =) ) That was fun! I almost never indulge in those highly advertised, super yummy delectables because I should be avoiding them at all costs. I don't know what came over me yesterday at the grocery store, but I gave in to a sudden impulse and bought two packages. So I guess that was a happy treat!
On a more seriously happy note, I will let the cat out of the bag and reveal that we have decided to have R tested for ADD. So today we met with the psychologist and talked with him about the whole thing. The big happy of the day really is that I like this guy. I really like him. He seemed to ask all the right questions, put us both at ease, and really seemed to know his stuff. So, I'm not at all convinced R will benefit from ADD treatment, but I have confidence that this guy will be able to steer us in the right direction. Truthfully, that has to win the prize as the happy moment of the day...not the Klondike bar. =)
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