Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018

I am recording today's good moment on Saturday, April 28, a day late, in retrospect.  I was supposed to go to see Robert for a visit yesterday, Friday, the 27th.  I try to get out and do that every few months just to stay in touch with this elusive kid.  I had hoped to go for lunch, but he texted the day before and said he wouldn't be free until 5:00.  That disappointed me.  It meant driving in the later afternoon, competing with the Friday night dinner crowd for a restaurant, and then driving home in the dark.  But in talking to him, he seemed happy that I was coming, so I talked myself into going.  I actually took off around 1:00 thinking I'd settle into a coffee shop and do some work on the computer, so if he got done (with his last final, a take home test) early, I'd be available.

Luckily, I texted him to let him know the plan as I was filling up with gas before I left town.  I told him I was heading out early and would be waiting at a Panera.  He responded that now it looked like he wouldn't be done until closer to 6:00.  Bummer.

But something more than just a bummer.  Something just felt off about going at all.  Something told me to beg off and find another time to go next week.  So I called him, and we decided on the next morning (today) instead.

Turns out he had a real problem in finishing this test.  He actually had to contact the professor and ask for an extension, and he didn't end up finishing until 11 pm.  Can you imagine how anxious and frustrated he would have been if he knew I had driven two hours and was waiting for him?

So, I choose that to be the happy moment of April 27, even though it is a hindsight happy.  I am so thankful that (for once) I listened to that still small voice, that little nudge in my spirit that I so often overrule.  I would like to think it was the Holy Spirit.  Well, no apologies.  I do think it was the Holy Spirit.

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