Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17

Today was a challenging day.  T and I had a misunderstanding in the morning, so emotionally I spent the rest of the day in a dither and was just not prepared to view anything as "happy." 

If I had to choose a happy moment for the day though, it might be Oliver being so overjoyed to see me when I got home from a long day out.  If I were him, I would have been in full pout after being left alone all day, but not this humble little creature!  He was all a-quiver with excitement, jumping and mouthing my hand, which, we've come to conclude, is his version of hugs and kisses, being part Golden Retriever.

Either that or the fact that I finally got our myriad of user names and passwords in order with an app I bought for my phone, e-wallet.  We're a little nervous about the safety of using something like that.  It means that ALL of our personal information is only protected by one wimpy little password.  Eeeks!  But having all our information entrusted to one dog-eared scrap of paper has been a little nerve-wracking too!  So that felt good, and we'll have to ask around if other people know anything about e-wallet's security.

And, unusual for us, but T and I did manage to resolve our misunderstanding by the end of the night.  Usually we just carry on like good soldiers and pretend it never happened.  But last night we actually managed to exchanged a few words that cleared things up, for me anyway.  I feel like I "got" something that T had been trying to communicate for years.  (Before you are too hard on me though, understand that T doesn't communicate with words -- only through mind waves.) 

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