Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27

Lots of good moments to choose from today.  My daughter, B, called and said she got an internship she had been applying for.  It's in Atlanta -- yikes -- a long way away, but with Hub Group, who apparently makes a habit of hiring their past interns full time once they graduate.  Good news for an English major!

And a friend texted that she was wondering if R would be willing to go with her son to the Christian camp they went to throughout their younger years.  And R said yes, he'd go if his friend went!  T may put up some resistance because it conflicts a little with the baseball season and overlaps a day or two with our family vacation -- but I'm going to push for this.  This camp was a wonderful influence on our sweet R, and I'd like him to experience it at least one more time before his childhood is over.

And D called just to check in and chat.  He's not a natural chatter box, so conversations with him can involve me plying him with a lot of questions, sometimes asking things that are none of my business, but hey, a mom's gotta know!  But it was so nice to talk to him.

And I found hope a cure for my itchy ears!  I had some prescription medicine from years ago which works for a time, but the itchies always come back.  And by now the bottle is long expired, so I've been a little nervous about using it.  But I learned online that tea tree oil should do the trick!  So I bought some today along with some jojoba oil to mix it in, and after only one treatment, it does seem to help.  I'm optimistic that once and for all it will kill that fungus growing amungus.  =)

But these were not HAPPY moments, were they?  They were good moments.  The HAPPY moment happened when T and I were in bed, watching an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond before going to sleep, and Oliver puts his little paws up on the edge of the bed asking if he could jump up to visit.  Or maybe he was just announcing his intention, because he jumped up without waiting for permission.  T and I were close together on the bed and he crawled right up to us in the middle, with his face just inches from ours, his bright little eyes just looking from one of us to the other, as if to say, "I'm here!"  Then he reaches forward and licks T.  T is not big on puppy kisses, so while he's recoiling, Oliver turns and licks me right on my lips.  Ew!  But he is SO DOGGONE CUTE!  How can anyone resist him?  That was actually the happiest moment of the day.  =)

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