Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26

Today's peace with L lent sunshine to everything else in the day, so it's hard to choose a happy moment exactly.  I suppose I'd have to choose our stroll through Kroger after dance.  R was at baseball and I had dropped L's friend off from dance.  I told her I was heading back to Kroger to get the hamburger I forgot to buy yesterday.  Much to my surprise she wanted to come along, and it turned out to be a delightful time of conversation.  She wanted to tell me every little detail of who said what, who did what and who behaved badly at the Hunger Games party now several days past.  We're back on an even keel.

I also had a nice conversation with R after we had dropped L off at dance and were off to get him a haircut.  It warmed my heart to hear R agree with me that L's social situation was tricky.  Her infatuation with this kid has more to do with a very constricted social world than any shining virtue on the kid's part.  He's the only boy she knows who isn't socially awkward, and he's paid her some attention.  That's all it boils down to!  And he continues to pay her attention.  He's a flirt.

So the answer may be to pray that God would provide a way for her social world to expand somehow.  Ironically, as much as she herself agrees she would like more people in her world, she has always been extremely resistant to any new social venture.  I am not going to go looking myself for something on her behalf because she would just dig her heels in and refuse to go.  The first place I would recommend if it were up to me is the youth group at our church, as much as T and are usually anti-youth group.  But I want God to do this, just like He brought her whole dance world and current friendship situation to us.  Even like yesterday's verse says, "And no creature is hidden from His sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13)  He knows her and knows how she works.  He can maneuver her to exactly where He wants her to be.  I will entrust her to Him.

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