Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 28

I am so happy in this very moment!  I was a magnificent day, and the best part of it, I'm tempted to say, is right now, just being home!  I love being home.

But the day was full of wonderful things.  I had my CBS Bible study this morning.  I love the women in our discussion group.  There are such varied levels of experience in the Word, varied personalities and varied levels of natural insight.  I've just come to look forward to what each of them has to say.  And the lecture this morning was also meaningful to me.  Maybe I'll touch on that in Small Dog.

Even as I was at my Bible study, however, poor R was texting me from school in a bit of a panic.  His classes for next year had to be finalized today, and he didn't know what to tell the counselor he wanted to take.  I had been planning to make an appointment and talk about next year once we got this medication a little more in hand.  I knew what he thought he wanted to take, but I wasn't sure if he should be repeating some classes to get some low grades replaced on his transcript, or if he should plan on some summer school.

I ended up going into the school about the time he had his appointment so I could be a part of the discussion, and I was really glad I did.  The counselor was very supportive, very informative and very respectful toward R, even though his current grades do not necessarily command much respect.  She seemed to respect his heart to do well and conveyed confidence that once the ADD was under control he would be able to find success.  She said she definitely recommended just letting this year go and move on to better things next year, rather than trying to repeat classes or do summer school.  While maybe the top notch school in the state would be out of reach, the school he would be more likely to apply to would not, and would also be willing to hear in a face-to-face interview his explanation for (what we hope is only) a glitch in his sophomore year grades.  Plus, she recommended a good book to help R understand more about ADD.  I ran out and bought it tonight!  All in all, I was so pleased with her help and advice.

After the Bible study and the school counselor, the day just got busier.  Ran out to get a book from the library that L needed, picked up the FedEx delivery we missed (D's birthday iPhone!), picked up the ADD book from the bookstore, dropped L off with a friend, and headed off the R's first JV baseball double-header.  Then back to pick up L from the friend's house, brought Taco Bell home for dinner, and WHEW!  We're home!  Just in time for the kids to have some time for homework and off to bed.  How nice for me that neither of them need the computer so I get a little alone time to blog.

So of all this, which would I consider my happy moment?  As much as I'm loving being home and warm right now (the baseball games were COLD!!!!), and as much as I loved my Bible study this morning, I have to go with the appointment with the counselor.  It is such a load off my heart to know that we will be able to put academic year behind us come June.  I hated the idea of R having to repeat a course or do summer school, and I am so thrilled that it's not too late for him, that a four-year university experience is still a possibility for him as long as he gets it together pronto.  And he does seem motivated to do just that.  So, thank you Ms High School Counselor!  You made my day!

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